Beginning ASP.NET

Course Description Overview

Course Number:
Course Length:
3 days
Course Description Overview:

Building robust web applications is the need of the hour in the web world. With ASP.NET Core MVC (that makes use of the Model-View-Controller architecture), a web developer can meet this.

In today's age, it's important for a developer to possess the ability to separate the programming and business logic. There are few courses available on ASP.NET Core 2 that helps in imparting this ability to a developer.

As a tried and tested way to build cross-platform applications, this course will take you through the implementation of the core architecture of model, view, and controller.


Build your own shopping cart in an iterative fashion and gain all the skills to develop real-world applications with ASP.NET Core 2.

Course Objectives:
This course takes you through the very basics of ASP.NET Core 2 to creating a cross-platform application, and everything in between.
This course is aimed at developers who want to build web applications using ASP.NET Core or developers who want to make a career building web applications using Microsoft technology.
Target Student:
This course is aimed at developers who want to build web applications using ASP.NET Core or developers who want to make a career building web applications using Microsoft technology.
Course-specific Technical Requirements Software:

For this course, we will use the following software:

  • Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2SP1 (and above) or Windows 7 SP 1 (and above)
  • Visual Studio Community 2017 IDE (
  • Packages and frameworks such as NuGet, Bootstrap, and project.json
Course-specific Technical Requirements Hardware:

This course requires a computer system for the instructor and one for each student. The minimum hardware requirements are as follows:

  • Processor : 3.2 GHz or faster processor
  • Memory : 4 GB of RAM (1.5 GB if running on a virtual machine)
  • Storage : Installations require 20-50 GB of free Hard disk space (depending on features installed the requirement can go up to 130 GB of available space)
Certification reference (where applicable)
Course Content:

Lesson 1: Setting the Stage

  • Introduction to Web Applications
  • Creating ASP.NET Core application

Lesson 2: Controllers

  • Role of the Controller in ASP.NET MVC Applications
  • Introduction to Routing
  • Our First Controller
  • Implementing our own IActionResult
  • Adding Views
  • Adding Models
  • Passing Data from the Controller to the View
  • Filters
  • Writing a Custom Filter


Lesson 3: Views

  • The View Engine and the Razor View Engine
  • Working with Layout
  • Generating HTML
  • Partial View
  • View Components
  • Tag Helpers


Lesson 4: Models

  • Introduction to Models
  • Model Binding
  • The Entity Framework
  • Using the Entity Framework in ASP.NET MVC applications
  • Database Migration


Lesson 5: Validation

  • Introduction to Validation
  • Client-Side and Server-Side Validation
  • Server-side Validation
  • Client-side Validation
  • Implementation

Lesson 6: Routing

  • Convention-Based Routing
  • Attribute-Based Routing
  • Route Attribute at the Controller Level
  • Passing Routing Values in HTTP Action Verbs in the Controller
  • Route Constraints


Lesson 7: Rest Buy

  • Designing Rest Buy
  • Creating the Entities for the Application
  • Creating EF Context and Migrations


Lesson 8: Adding Features, Testing, and Deployment

  • Adding the Registration Feature
  • Creating a Unit Test
  • Upgrading Our Application to Bootstrap 4
  • Deploying Rest Buy to Azure
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