Building Web Applications with TypeScript, Angular, and React

Course Description Overview

Course Number:
Course Length:
2 days
Course Description Overview:

TypeScript is the future of JavaScript. TypeScript offers a sliding scale of how much or how little effort you want to put into your declarations: the more effort you put in, the more type safety and code intelligence you get.

TypeScript allows developers to write readable and maintainable web applications. Adopting TypeScript results in more robust software, while still being deployable in apps where regular JavaScript is running.

Pure JavaScript lacks certain language features that are taken for granted in languages such as C# and Java. For example, it has no built-in module system, meaning that there's no standard way of producing self-contained blocks of code that present well-defined interfaces to developers.

In this course, we will begin by learning the fundamentals of TypeScript and eventually move toward advanced concepts. Learn how TypeScript relates to JavaScript that you may have written before. We will understand the benefits of TypeScript and how it can help you avoid software defects. We will learn to use type guards, check null and undefined, create tagged union types, and compare the performance of algorithms.

We will use TypeScript to build a weather forecast widget with Angular. We will then progress by building a note-taking client/server application using Angular, Node.js, and MongoDB.

Finally, we will create a real-time chat application with React.

Course Objectives:


By completing this course, you will be able to build interesting TypeScript projects. This course will take your current TypeScript knowledge to the next level.

Here are the important topics that this course will cover:

  • Learn the fundamentals of TypeScript
  • Build a weather forecast widget with Angular
  • Create building a note-taking client/server application using Angular, Node.js, and MongoDB
  • Create a real-time chat application with React
Target Student:
This course is for web developers who are well-versed in JavaScript and want to take their TypeScript knowledge to the next level. No prior TypeScript knowledge is required.
Course-specific Technical Requirements Software:

  • Windows 7 or above.
  • Visual Studio Code (
  • You have to compile TypeScript in a terminal. On Windows, you can use Command Prompt and PowerShell.
  • Node.js (
  • MongoDB Community Server (


Installation and Setup


  • Download and install Visual Studio Code from
  • Download and install Node.js from
  • Download and install MongoDB Community Server from


Course-specific Technical Requirements Hardware:

For successful completion of this course, students will require computer systems with the following:

  • Processor: 1.8 GHz or higher Pentium 4 (or equivalent)
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Hard disk: 10 GB
  • A projector
  • An internet connection
Certification reference (where applicable)
Course Content:

Lesson 1: TypeScript Fundamentals

  • Introduction to TypeScript
  • Type Checking
  • Advanced Type Analysis Features
  • Comparing Performance of Algorithms

Lesson 2: Building a Weather Forecast Widget with Angular 4

  • Using Modules
  • Creating the First Component
  • Using the Component in Other Components
  • Using the Main Component

Lesson 3: Note-Taking Client/Server App

  • Setting up the Server
  • Integrating with MongoDB
  • Creating the Client Side with Angular

Lesson 4: Real-Time Chat

  • Setting up the Project
  • Writing the Server
  • Creating the Chat Room
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