Lean IT Foundation & Kaizen (LITA)

Course Description Overview

Course Number:
Course Length:
5 days
Course Description Overview:

This five day course leads to the Lean IT Association foundation and Kaizen exams. Candidates will be taken from foundational understanding through to getting a practical appreciation of how to apply Lean IT Principles to specific business problems, pain points, trigger events and waste scenarios within the organisation. Then teaches and equips individuals to define, facilitate and lead Lean IT Kaizen improvement initiatives. The course teaches students how to effectively use the Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) improvement model leveraging the Lean A3 problem identification and planning tool to complete a full improvement cycle. This certification course provides you with the knowledge, skills and methodology required to identify, plan and implement incremental service and process improvements focused on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of any process or value stream.


The Guide has been written by leading industry experts and is part of the Lean IT Association (LITA) stream of courses. This training event is designed to prepare candidates to manage improvements in a controlled and structured way using the Lean IT approach.

Course Objectives:

This five-day course leads to the Lean IT Association foundation and Kaizen exams. During the course delegates, will get the opportunity to prepare for the exam and utilise our extensive database of practice questions. This course will enable delegates to gain a foundational understanding of all the key parts of the Lean IT approach and also prepare them to be a highly effective Lean Kaizen Lead, The objectives of this course are to:


· Introduce Lean IT

· Introduce Lean IT Dimensions: Customer

· Introduce Lean IT Dimensions: Process

· Introduce Lean IT Dimensions: Performance

· Introduce Lean IT Dimensions: Organisation

· Introduce Lean IT Dimensions: Behaviour & Attitude

· Introduce Kaizen Continual Improvement

· Introduce Lean IT Foundation Exam Preparation

· Understand Lean principles related specifically to leading a Kaizen event

· Understand how to apply the Lean A3 tool to support continual improvement

· Gain practical how-to knowledge of how to use of the Six Sigma DMAIC improvement model as a structured improvement methodology

· Learn about improvement scoping and validation

· Learn how to gain voice of customer input and establish critical to quality requirements

· Learn how to apply and use Value Stream Mapping (VSM) techniques to identify process waste and speed improvement opportunities

· Understand how to use root cause analysis techniques to support problem analysis

· Learn how to identify, select and use various improvement options

· Understand how to establish effective controls

· Understand how to establish methods to improve quality and mistake proof future process activities

Target Student:

Although there is no mandatory requirement, ideally candidates should have at least two years professional experience working a process environment. The Lean IT Foundation would suit candidates working in the following professions or areas:


· CxO’s

· IT Managers/ Directors

· Senior Project Officers

· Project & Program Coordinator/Managers

· Operations Managers

· Quality Managers

· Business Analysts

· Engineering Managers

· IT Infrastructure Managers

· Internal Consultants

· Professional Consultants


This qualification is aimed at anyone working within a quality improvement environment that has responsibilities for identifying, assessing, planning, or managing improvement activities, or reporting on continual improvement activities across the organisation.


The above list is a suggestion only; individuals may wish to attend based on their own career aspirations, personal goals or objectives.


There is no prerequisite to attending the foundation course, although it is recommended that candidates should have a good understanding of IT processes. In order to take the Kaizen exam, the delegate will have to pass the foundation exam.
Course-specific Technical Requirements Software:
Course-specific Technical Requirements Hardware:
Certification reference (where applicable)
Course Content:

Module 1 – Introduction to Lean


· History of Lean

· Key principles of Lean

· Aspects of Lean

· Customer Defined Activities

· 8 types of waste

· Primary drivers of Lean

· Lean and Six Sigma

· Characteristics of Lean IT


Module 2 – Lean IT Dimensions: Customer


· What is value

· The customers

· Critical to quality

· Voice of the customer


Module 3 – Lean IT Dimensions: Process


· Value streams and processes

· Process elements

· Basic processes

· Push vs pull systems


· Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

· Lean IT Time

· Process metrics

· The 5 s concept

· Heijunka


Module 4 – Lean IT Dimensions: Performance


· Defining performance

· Performance indicators

· Defining KPI’s

· Time usage

· Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE)

· Skills and Knowledge


Module 5 – Lean IT Dimensions: Organisation


· Organisation structures

· Key behaviour

· Organising Lean IT

· Communications cascade

· Objectives, feedback and performance

· Performance dialogue

· Visual management

· Work boards


Module 6 – Lean IT Dimensions: Behaviour & Attitude


· The Lean mind-set

· The Lean attitude

· Lean behaviours

· Lean transformation

· Lean leadership

· Jidoka


Module 7 – Kaizen Continual Improvement


· Continuous improvement

· Kaizen events

· Business benefits criteria

· Feasibility criteria

· Selecting a subject for a Kaizen event

· Roles in a Kaizen event

· A3 Method

· Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control

· Common Kaizen tools

· Common Kaizen Pitfalls


Module 8 – Introduction to Kaizen


· Kaizen, Kaikaku, Kakushin

· Waste – Muda, Mura and Muri

· The Kaizen mind set

· Daily Kaizen

· Improvement Kaizen

· DMAIC method (Kaizen)

· DMEDI method (Kaikaku, Kakushin)

· Lean and Problems, Kaizen problems vs. ITSM problems

· Spectrum of change


Module 9 – Governance & the organisation of Kaizen events


· Sources of Kaizen initiatives

· The Kaizen team

· Selecting team members

· Team member roles

· Preparing an improvement Kaizen

· Preparing for a Kaizen event


Module 10 – A3 Method


· Contents of a problem-solving A3

· Examples of A3

· The A3 status report

· The A3 proposal

· Skills for completing an A3

· Building communication

· The MECE concept


Module 11 – Define Phase


· The problem statement

· Validating the problem

· Voice of the Customer – Critical to Quality/ SIPOC

· Types of problem – Cynefin model

· Validating problem solving value

· Criteria’s; Business benefits, Feasibility, Organisational impact

· Typical problems in IT

· Ensuring support for a Kaizen

· Stakeholder analysis

· Key steps in the define phase


Module 12 – Measure Phase


· Problem resolution variables

· Categories of units

· Technical & people data

· Gemba walk

· Measurement systems

· Baseline and benchmarking

· VSM metrics and calculations

· Key steps in the measure phase


Module 13 – Analyse Phase


· Graphs and charts

· Check (Tally) sheet

· Finding the route cause

· 5 whys

· Cause and effects matrix

· Failure modes and effects analysis

· Analysing a value stream map

· Analysis in IT

· Closing the analysis phase

· Key steps in the analyse phase


Module 14 – Improve Phase


· Ideas generation

· Options selection and prioritisation

· Testing solutions

· Solutions used in IT

· Key steps in the improve phase


Module 15 – Control Phase


· Achieving control

· Control plan

· Documentation

· Monitoring

· Metrics

· Visual management

· Performance dialogues

· Cascade

· Response

· Training

· Communications plan

· Closure

· Key steps in the control phase

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