Lean IT Leadership (LITA)

Course Description Overview

Course Number:
Course Length:
3 days
Course Description Overview:

This three-day course leads to the Lean IT Association foundation and Lean IT Leadership exam. The leadership learning objectives are focused on building on the learning objectives from the Lean IT Foundation to provide a specific Lean leadership development training for IT professionals in a leadership role, both formal (i.e. managerial) and informal.


The course will make use of the Lean A3 tool as the basis for progressively investigating all aspects of Lean IT Leadership. The aim is to ensure that each participant gains a detailed view of their personal Lean IT Leadership development by the end of the course.


Application of learning outcomes will be demonstrated by each student through the completion of an A3. Validate the creation of the A3 as part of the class outcomes.


The Lean IT Leader is someone who is committed to ensuring that the IT organization embraces Lean principles and operational excellence as its way of operating, and can be at any level of the organization in any ‘department’.


The course material is supported by practical case-based exercises. Candidates will learn how to apply the Lean IT approach to address customer value requirements and establish and maintain a sustainable approach to long term improvement of value delivery from IT.

Course Objectives:

This three-day course leads to the Lean IT Leadership exam. During the course delegates, will get the opportunity to prepare for the exam and utilise our extensive database of practice questions. This course will enable delegates to gain an deep understanding on what skills are needed and what it takes to be a Lean IT Leader, this includes:


· Develop yourself toward becoming a Lean IT leader

· Understand Cascading Communication

· Establish vision, mission and improvement prioritisation with all levels of stakeholders

· Use the Lean IT Leadership development model

· Apply Walking the process (Gemba)

· Use Lean Visual Management and Meeting Structure

· Apply Employee Performance dialogue and review processes

· Plan and organise for a Lean IT Organisation

· Develop a holistic measurement framework

· Plan and design Lean organisation transformational strategies

Target Student:

Although there is no mandatory requirement, ideally candidates should have at least two year’s professional experience working a process environment. The Lean IT Leadership qualification would suit candidates working in the following professions or areas:


· CxO’s

· IT Managers/ Directors

· Senior Project Officers

· Project & Program Coordinator/Managers

· Operations Managers

· Quality Managers

· Business Analysts

· Engineering Managers

· IT Infrastructure Managers

· Internal Consultants

· Professional Consultants


This qualification is aimed at anyone working within a quality improvement environment that has responsibilities for identifying, assessing, planning, or managing improvement activities, or reporting on continual improvement activities across the organisation.


The above list is a suggestion only; individuals may wish to attend based on their own career aspirations, personal goals or objectives.


The Lean IT Foundation certificate is required to take the Lean IT Leadership exam.


Whilst the Lean IT Kaizen level is not a pre-requisite, candidates who complete the Lean IT Leadership scheme can benefit substantially from first understanding the Lean IT Kaizen role. One of the core tasks of Lean IT Leadership is driving and teaching continuous improvement, and the tools for this task are covered in detail in the Kaizen course.

Course-specific Technical Requirements Software:
Course-specific Technical Requirements Hardware:
Certification reference (where applicable)
Course Content:

Module 1 – Introduction to Lean Leadership


· Shingo Model: four key guiding principles

· Key components to systems thinking

· Definition of a True Value north

· Lean style of leadership

· Four aspects of the lean leadership development model

· Five flows of IT value as defined by bell

· Organisational context of the IT leader

· Leadership aspects applied to the IT organisational context


Module 2 – Committing to Self-Development


· Self-development principles and requirements

· Leaders standard work

· Resources efficiency vs Flow efficiency

· Kaizen mind-set: always seek improvement

· Accountability: role of taking responsibility in a lean IT setting

· Kata of leadership

· PDCA cycle for practicing lean leadership to the Gemba


Module 3 – Helping Others to Develop


· Definition of Genchi Genbutsu/ Nemawashi

· T-type leadership

· 5 Whys: method for finding the route cause

· Questioning techniques

· Importance of Lean IT leadership in eliminating Mura and Muri

· Gemba walk contrasted with a gallery walk


Module 4 – Continuous Improvement


· Definition of continuous improvement

· Daily Kaizen and Kaizen events

· Definition and key characteristics of a team (Katzenbach & Smith)

· The core elements of the Kaizen mind-set

· Importance of standard reference models as the basis of improvement

· The five levels of team development (Lencioni)

· Characteristics of IT teams – technically-oriented, project-based, customer-oriented


Module 5 – Vision, Goals and Communication


· Performing dialogue: Leading meetings and listening skills

· Nemawashi for ensuring adoption strategy and policy and execution of projects

· Noshin Kanri: method for translating strategy to operations

· The key aspects of performance dialogue

· Visual management – for development, IT operations, service desk

· Cascade and catchball mechanism

· The aim of the Pyramid principle

· MECE and its use

· The goal of a change story


Module 6 – Lean IT Transformation


· Business case for a Lean IT transformation

· Eight mistakes when carrying out a transformation, and their mitigation

· Key phases in accepting change

· The importance of a change story

· 5 lean IT dimensions for structuring Lean IT transformation

· 7 phases of the transition curve

· 3 key phases of the organisational level of a Lean IT transformation

· Role of the Lean IT Leader in relation to the Lean IT Coach

· The top down and bottom up aspects of a Lean IT transformation


Module – 7 The A3 Method


· Goals of the A3 method

· Sections of the A3 report

· Advance-Prepare-Do-Check cycle

· Organise information into the A3 format

· Communicate the key message and create involvement

· Define personal Lean IT Leadership goals

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